Vision, Mission, Goals & Values

Our Vision
Every WWU student flourishes from arrival to graduation - and beyond.

Our Mission
The Division of Student Affairs:
- welcomes students into community,
- supports their wellbeing and success,
- engages them in healthy development of the whole self, and
- strengthens their capacity for self-determination.
Our Goals
- Provide effective programs and services which support students' access, development, well-being, connectedness, and self-determination.
- Advance equity, community-building, and engagement with place through our policies, practices, services, and programs.
- Design, conduct, and assess our work using research-based best practices in college student development.
- Contribue to Western Washington University's strategic goals through our work supporting students.
Our Values
- Transformational Learning and Engagement
- Respect for the Rights and Dignity of All
- Critical Hope, Resilience, and Creativity
- Student Development-Centered Practice