In ESS, assessment is a critical component of the strategic planning cycle. Every goal at each organizational level has defined strategies and specific continuous assessment measures and targets, and assessment results are reported annually at the department and unit levels, and biennially at the division level. Additionally, each department conducts a comprehensive program evaluation each assessment cycle (every three years), according to program standards from CAS (and/or specific accrediting agencies). A timeline for these processes is depicted below, and further down this page, resources are provided to support this work at the department and unit levels.

Click here to download the Division Strategic Planning Timelines chart as an accessible document
Division Assessment Resource Team
The Division Assessment Resource Team (DART) is a cross-departmental group of ESS professionals who are tasked with assessment for their respective departments. DART meets quarterly to provide cross-departmental updates and identify support needs and meets during off-months for trainings in various strategic planning and assessment processes and tools. DART trainings are also open to non-members who may benefit from attending. For questions about DART, contact Matt Bryant, Division Planning and Assessment Consultant.
Continuous Assessment Resources
Qualitative Item Coding Template
Student Employee Competency Rubric
Program Evaluation Resources
ESS CAS Program Assessment Site
Survey Resources
Department Exit Survey Template (Forms)
Department Exit Survey Template
Qualtrics Basics Training Video*
Qualtrics Advanced Training Video*
*Note: All WWU users have access to training videos; however, outside users will not be able to access these resources.
Questions about any terms used on this page?
Check out the ESS Strategic Planning Glossary
Other questions about assessment in ESS?
Contact Matt Bryant, Division Planning and Assessment Consultant: